Sunday, May 6, 2007



The baby has decided he has taken things in stride for just too long. He has decided that life is giving him some sort of a raw deal, and he is going to tell EVERYONE about it. :) I'm not sure if he's bored, his tummy is bothering him, he's reliving dreams of his surgery, he just thinks his clothes should be green instead of blue.... whatever it is, he's going to tell everyone in the house, the apartment complex and probably even the entire block.

Several days in a row we have been wondering where the sweet, quiet, thoughtful baby has run away to. Sure he has his moments still, but most of the time he's been replaced by Mr. CRANKASAURUS REX! Oy...

Last night he did sleep for *four hours*. Total. If you add them all up. Usually he waits until I'm just asleep again before he wails. So really, I did get *some* sleep. And he was kind enough to let me pump as well.

And now... he needs his pants changed, and he's letting everyone know. So, off to get the poo out of the pantaloons!


JillyGirl said...

Sounds like great fun in your household! :) Maybe Caleb's helping you get back at the kid next door with his booming bass? lol.

Heather Papineau said...

How are those bon bons coming along?! ;) Hey, on a serious note, glad to hear you're home and everything is now at "norm". Hope to see you all soon!