Friday, April 6, 2007

Caleb's First Days, Part II

Ok... where were we?

I went and saw Caleb at Children's at midnight the night he was born. I was so tired, but I wanted to see the little guy for myself. He was moving and I was surprised--it was the first time I got to see him move! He was only partially sedated.

That night I went home and passed out.

Next day I arrived at the hospital to find that they removed the vent. Woo! I was even allowed to hold the little bugger! Oh, how cute he is!! How fantastically cute!! Eric also was able to hold him for the very first time. He was a little nervous, but Caleb was being cooperative.

When I went to get something to eat and pump (oh joy... my new job!!) Caleb was able to get food for the first time. Well, apparently that wore him out because his O2 stats fell down right afterwards. They had to put him on a CPAP machine to make sure he had enough. That night his nurse was a fantastic lady who absolutely fell in love with him.

Today we arrived at the hospital to find new things again. He was off the CPAP machine, and he was getting an ultrasound of his heart. His O2 was being delivered thru the nose. He was also bellowing. Wow... just yesterday there was a little "meh" when he was upset. Today: WAAAAAAAAH!

I got to hold him and calm him down. Then his O2 started dropping again. They put him on some more drugs... Prostagladin? I'm sorry, I don't know how to spell it. :\ But this was the drug that he was originally on. It helps his blood mix. He is doing quite well on it right now, but one of the side effects is that he might have to go back on the vent if he develops apnia.

Another side effect of this drug: Crankiness. His nurses are wary as I guess little Caleb has been giving them the what-for. He has been known to rip out his tubes and move all over the bed--wasn't this kid just born the day before yesterday?? Well, he is trying to show them who is boss. Unfortunately they're bigger and stronger than he is at the moment, which causes him some frustration and crankiness. The nurses say, "Oh he loves his binkie!" I think *they* are the ones who love it!! :)

When Eric and I were walking back from lunch today, we were at the handwashing station, and from across the room there are some yells of frustration. Eric and I looked at each other. "I think that's yours," he said to me.

Yes... indeed it was our little cranky one! His O2 stats are up on the drug, and so far no apnia, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

His heart operation is currently scheduled for a week from Monday. Why so long? Because A) he's doing so well and B) the surgeons like to schedule to do the work together. So they scheduled it out to give chances to the other babies. However this is now subject to change since his O2 levels are going up and down and up and down... if he keeps this up they'll do the surgery earlier. They don't expect that it will be an emergency, and they stressed that it doesn't hurt him to have the O2 jumping like that, but they want it nice and even.

That's it so far... yes, I have a million and one pictures, no I haven't posted them anywhere yet! By the time I get home from the hospital I'm exhausted, and I only get my 5 hour nap when I'm pumping--it's the longest that I should go until my milk comes in.

Keep you updated!!


JillyGirl said...

Sounds as if he's got YOUR attitude Amy! Hehehe...:) He's like, "nuh uh...those tubes are going NEAR me!" :) I'm so glad to hear he's doing so well. Everyone at work (and I do mean every-single-one) is asking about him...and they're all mad they can't read the blog from work! Hehehe...Now I've got some updates for Monday's calls! :)Looking forward to seeing ya'll when you're up for it!

Have a Happy Easter, and kiss Caleb for me!

Dietra said...

So glad to hear how well he's doing! And yes, I'll admit, I think the nurses do love the "binkys" more than the baby actually does :P

Heather Papineau said...

Oh my goodness!!! He is SO cute!!!

Job well done. Yes, even Kate told me you did a good job. Honey, it's hard work. I remember yelling "owie" the whole time. Not fun but well worth it. Can't wait to chat with you. If there is ANYTHING I can do, would you please call?!

Love you guys & get the wee-one a little fluffy bunny for me. ;)