Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday Update

This morning we arrived at the hospital to find the little guy doing well. He did have his 12 hour heart setback. I guess there was a slight drop in his O2 sats, and there was some fluid that started to gather near his heart. They said they talked about what to do, but waited it out and Caleb corrected it all himself. He came back quickly. Woohoo! Good job. :)

They are all very impressed how my baby is doing. His numbers are fantastic, and he's been taking everything well. Mama is still nervous, but oh so completely happy still.

Tomorrow they will close up his chest--it is mostly closed up on its own at this point, so they know that he's ready for it. They will do this in the OR at about 11am or so. Today they started him back on the Lasix in order to get the extra fluids out of his system. That's a great sign as they said they wouldn't start that until he started to get rid of them himself. (He's not that puffy at all--his eyes look like he's been in a baby fight, but otherwise he's not too puffy!)

Their concerns: His left ventrical is still a little stiff. They said that this will just be time as it gets used to his new pressure in that area of the heart. He is doing better with the pressures as time goes on.

I was going to type something else here, but I got distracted... Hm. In any case, they're hopefully going to start backing off on the vent tomorrow. They wanted to do it tonight, but then changed their minds as they would have to turn it back up during the procedure tomorrow.

Good job, my love, keep up the good work! Our job now is just not to push ourselves, and just take every day as it comes. It's hard to see him with all the wires and lines, but they will come out one by one. Right now he's going to be eating via the tube (not milk yet), and soon he'll be taking bottles again and generally giving everyone around him heck. :)

Go Caleb! :)

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